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Welcome to NetIX: home of the Global Internet Exchange

Join and become a member today!

Just announced:

NetIX launches its first Primary PoP in Singapore!

Speak with the team today about our services available directly from Singapore, or accessing this newly on-net country from your existing NetIX connection.

What do we do?

We operate an exchange platform that sits on top of a global network.

We allow ISPs, network operators, content providers, and other networks to interconnect their networks and exchange their Internet traffic across our global platform.

We offer a range of network-enhancing connectivity services, including layer 2 Ethernet between over 220 global locations across 100+ cities, peering at over 50 Internet Exchanges, and our unique, award-winning GIX service, which blends the routes from these 50+ IXPs and delivers them all via one cross connect.

Using NetIX will:

  • increase your network performance;
  • save you money;
  • improve your service quality;
  • increase your network visibility;
  • allow you access to a wide range of networks.
Not sure which service you want? Contact the team >
Explore our global reach
Explore our global reach

Discover our massive network of over 220+ global Points of Presence.

Access our full portfolio of services from any on-net location and unlock the power of NetIX on your network.

View our network
Key facts and figures


220+ PoPs

200+ members



100+ cities

65 countries

6 continents



50+ connected IXPs

10,000+ direct visible networks

490,000+ routes (50% of the Internet)

4.7 Tbps+ of traffic

Key facts and figures

Our awards and accolades

Do you want to benefit from connecting to over 50 IXPs and access over 10,000+ networks directly?

Get in touch
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Get a 14-day FREE trial* of our GIX service and get 50 IXPs' worth of traffic from any of our Primary PoPs!

Book yours & experience the benefits firsthand!

*Ts & Cs apply