NetIX upgrades LINX capacity for Neterra

NetIX helps improve Neterra’s access to UK-centric traffic.
Sofia, Bulgaria – 22nd July 2020: NetIX, the leading global distributed platform for connectivity and peering solutions is celebrating recently upgrading customer Neterra’s London Internet Exchange’s (LINX) peering connection.
Due to the high volumes of traffic travelling across Neterra’s network during lockdown, NetIX has upgraded Neterra’s access to LINX from 1G to 4G to help lower latency, reduce IP Transit costs, and improve resiliency and redundancy.
As a registered ConneXions reseller partner of LINX, NetIX can provide a peering connection into the Internet Exchange without the need for further investment in infrastructure; with NetIX’s remote peering solution, you don’t need to be in the same data centre as LINX, opening up many possibilities via one NetIX port.
The NetIX platform brings simplicity to network expansions via a single connection; NetIX is home to 140+ members, 30+ IXPs, and 6,000+ networks across 65 cities and any connected network can benefit by connecting to any peer or location using the same port.
Are you ready to improve your network efficiently? To discover more ways how NetIX can improve your network, visit netix.net. To speak to a member of the team about our services and solutions, please email the team: [email protected]
About NetIX
Our next-generation network accelerates the Internet; we connect content creators with users faster, cheaper, and more directly than ever.
Our network stretches across more than 150 global data centres in 65 cities from 35 countries. It connects our 140+ members to content from 6,000+ visible networks and 30+ Internet Exchanges.
NetIX offers the best possible Internet connectivity: our members can directly exchange traffic with peers, giving their end-users faster page-load times on 90% of the most popular sites.
Our members include Internet service providers, broadcasters, telecoms operators, and content delivery networks - all the peers your tenants need to access!